Expecting the Unexpected

I know we all have those great afterthoughts, but how about if we plan to expect the unexpected? 

If the past two years taught us anything, we never really know what can happen. Although we can’t be fully prepared for whatever twists and turns that lie ahead us, we are to be thankful in all circumstances and should take the necessary steps to be ready.

It may come as a shock to some people, but when it comes to technology, I’m not the best. I’ve come along way and have learned a lot, but I’ve had my moments of struggles and blunders.

One of these blunders took place in New Jersey a few years ago in front of a few thousand people. Bread of Stone was playing a weekend youth conference as the worship band and also putting on a concert on one of the nights. We dropped in a new cover song to one of our worship sets and for some reason there was a glitch in the file that whenever this song ended, the program would freeze. It happened once during soundcheck, but after a full reboot, it seemed to be working just fine. When it came time to go from that song right into the next during the worship set, it froze again! 

Our lead singer Ben is very tech savvy. So naturally he came back to save the day and I looked like the drummer who didn’t know how to operate a laptop. It was when Ben took over the computer, he handed me his vocal mic and told me to say something. I was taken back and said something like “Well, while Ben works on this.. Man technology. Gotta love it or hate it…” Thankfully, that’s all the filibuster that was needed as Ben fired the tracks and off we went. 

After getting off-stage, I realized the opportunity I had missed to connect with the audience. Yes, everyone could relate as technology doesn’t always cooperate and we make mistakes, but I could’ve connected with them even more so! After some good-fun teasing from my band mates, I immediately thought of at least a half dozen things I could’ve said to the audience. For one thing, there were basketball courts right next door, where most of the students spent their free time. I easily could’ve stepped down from the drums and posed a question to the audience. Like, “I saw all the basketball courts in the next room, how many of you like playing basketball? Well so do I, and we would love to get in a game of knockout when we can. So come talk to us back our merch table and lets get a game together!”

I know we all have those great afterthoughts, but how about if we plan to expect the unexpected? 

We can’t have a plan for EVERYTHING, but instead of awkwardly standing onstage when the tracks go out, guitarist is tuning or the drummer’s in-ear monitor gets lodged in his ear - yes, that also happened to me back in the day before I had custom in-ears - but I think you get my point. 

Think of what could potentially go wrong or at least have a couple things to share tucked in your back pocket. Share something of substance and not just the typical, “how’s everyone doing?”

Are you interested in diving deeper into these areas for YOUR show? I’d love to get to know you and learn about your journey in music! Let’s schedule a FREE discovery call today!


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Purpose Live

Equipping and empowering singers and musicians to genuinely connect with their audience.


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